Grass Roots Planning Ltd

Suites 9 & 10

Bristol North Baths

Gloucester Road



Bleadon Quarry

Client: Edenstone Group

Section: Mixed-Use

Location: Bleadon

Planning Authority: North Somerset Council

Description: Development of 42 homes, offices and public open space

Project Overview

The site was previously a former limestone quarry used for the manufacture and distribution of concrete products. Given the brownfield opportunity for redevelopment the site was allocated in the North Somerset Local Plan for a mix of uses, including 42 homes and 500m² of office space (Class E) development, aiming to support the self-containment and sustainability of Bleadon village whilst also improving the public realm. 

Our Role

Grass Roots Planning successfully negotiated the application through the detailed design process, applying for reserved matters permission in 2022 and securing permission in early 2023 on behalf of Edenstone Homes. We continue to advise the applicants as the build progresses including discharging conditions and managing minor amendments to the scheme.

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